Ethereum: Understanding the Minimum and Maximum Length of Mainnet Bitcoin Addresses

When it comes to cryptocurrency transactions, Bitcoin addresses are a crucial aspect of the system. However, many people are unclear about the minimum and maximum length of an Ethereum mainnet address. In this article, we will dive into the details and provide clarity on these key parameters.

The short answer:

Ethereum uses a 44-character length for its mainnet addresses, but it’s not as simple as just using numbers from 0 to 35. The actual length depends on whether the address is private or public, and even then there are some nuances to consider.

The long answer:

When creating a Bitcoin address, Ethereum uses a specific format that includes several components:

  • Network:

    Ethereum: What are the minimum and maximum lengths of a Mainnet Bitcoin address?

    Whether the address is for Bitcoin (BTC) or another cryptocurrency like Ethereum (ETH).

  • Type: Private (P) or public (U).
  • Length:

    The number of characters in the address.

The mainnet addresses are divided into two categories: private and public. Private addresses are 44 characters long, while public addresses are shorter.

Private addresses (0x…):

For private addresses, the format is 0x.... This includes all possible combinations of 62 hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F). The first two characters (0x) are always reserved for the network and version, so they do not count towards the address length. The remaining 42 characters are part of the private key.

Public addresses (0XB…):

For public addresses, the format is 0xB.... This includes all possible combinations of 62 hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F). However, unlike private addresses, public keys are shorter in length due to padding. In this case, the address is 35 characters long.

Why 44 characters?

The Ethereum team has opted for a 44 character length for mainnet addresses, rather than 36 or 37 characters like some other cryptocurrencies. This is likely because it offers more flexibility and makes it easier to create long addresses.


To summarize, while Ethereum uses a 44 character length for its mainnet addresses, the actual minimum and maximum length depends on whether the address is private or public. Private addresses are 44 characters long, including all possible combinations of hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F), while public addresses are shorter due to padding.

To create an Ethereum mainnet address, simply use the format “0x…” for private addresses and “0xB…” for public addresses. If you are unsure about the specific lengths for your cryptocurrency or network, please consult the appropriate sources or experts in the field.


  • [1] Ethereum Wiki: Bitcoin Address Format
  • [2] Ethereum GitHub: Mainnet Address Format

I hope this article helps clarify the minimum and maximum lengths of Ethereum mainnet addresses. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask!

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