Decoding of Solana Dex Transaction newspapers Universally: a complete guide
As the second blockchain in the world by market capitalization, Solana has become a hub for decentralized scholarships (DEX), offering a rapid and scalable platform for merchants to execute professions. However, this increased activity comes the need for effective processing and analysis of data. In this article, we will explore how to universally decode the Solana Dex transaction newspapers, using Raydium as an example.
What are the Solana Dex transaction newspapers?
The Solana Dex rely on a new architecture which allows rapid and secure commercial execution. Each transaction is represented by a single identifier (for example, TX_ID), containing essential information such as:
- Mint: The asset is exchanged.
- Amount: The quantity of the assets created.
- Portfolio: The address of the portfolio of the buyer or the seller.
- Direction d’achat / vendre: Que la transaction soit un achat ou une vente.
Raydium: une plate-forme Solana Dex leader
Raydium is one of those platforms that drew significant attention for its innovative use of decentralized financing strategies (DEFI) and trading. L’architecture de la plate-forme permet aux utilisateurs de créer, gérer et exécuter facilement des métiers complexes.
Extraction des informations commerciales des journaux de transaction DEX
Pour décoder universellement les journaux de transaction Solana Dex, nous devons extraire des informations commerciales essentielles (par exemple, menthe, montant, portefeuille, direction d’achat / vente) en utilisant une approche standardisée. Here’s how:
Étape 1: Collecte de données et prétraitement
The first step is to collect the necessary data from the Solana blockchain. This can be done via APIs provided by exchanges or using the “Solana-Program” library to interact with the blockchain.
Import {web3} from 'web3';
Const web3 = new web3 ();
// obtains all transactions for a specific block (for example 100)
Const txs = wait web3.eth.gettransActionlist ({
From Block: 100,
Toblock: 110 // We are interested in the first 10 blocks
// Process each transaction and extract the required data
for (be i = 0; i
Const {txid, Gasé, blocknumber, cheese} = tx;
// Create a JSON object to store the extracted data
Const tradedata = {
Amount: tx.amount.tostring (),
Wallet: cheese, cheese,
Buyselldirection: "Buy"
Console.log (tradedata);
Step 2: Data storage and processing
After having collected and pretewards the data, we must store it in a database or an appropriate data structure. Raydium uses a decentralized data storage solution called interplanetary file system (IPF) for this purpose.
// import the IPFS customer library
Import IPF from "IPF";
// Initialize the IPFS customer
Const ipfsclient = new ipfs ();
// Create a haved of the commercial data extracted and store it in IPF
Const Tradedatahash = JSON.Stringify (tradedata);
// Add the hash to ipff storage under a single key (for example, / trades /: ID)
ipfsclient.add ({path: / tradves / $ {tradedatahash}, data: troddata});
Step 3: Decoding and visualization
To view the decoded data, we can use a visualization library as "D3.JS" for tracing. Here is an example:
` Javascript
// import the necessary libraries
Import * as D3 from “D3”;
// Load the data visualized in a JSON file
Const visualizeddata = required (‘./ Visualized-data.json’);
// Create the graphic using D3.JS
Const Margin = {Top: 20, right: 20, below: 30, left: 50};
Const Width = 800 – Margin.left – Margin.right;
Const Height = 600 – – Margin.bottom;
var svg = (‘body’)
.Append (“SVG”)
.ATTR (“width”, width + margin.left + margin.right)
.ATTR (“height”, height + + margin.bottom)
.Append (“g”)